Teacher Education / Professional Development Featured/Invited
ELT Professionals for a Better World: Lives of Leadership and Service
Invited Panel
In this 50-minute panel discussion, five esteemed female leaders in ELT, all nearing the end of their formal careers in education, will reflect on their respective paths. They’ll share stories of their growth as educators and leaders; look back on the decisions, motivations, and inspirations that shaped them; consider their own impact, including how their life’s work has contributed to improving the world; and offer thoughts, insights, and suggestions for future generations of leaders seeking to make their own mark in education–and on the world.
Joo-Kyung Park, PhD, is a professor in the Department of English Language at Honam University, Gwangju, South Korea. She has served as director of the International Culture Center and as director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Honam. She was also a radio show host at Gwangju Foreign Language Network (GFN) and at Far-East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), a local Christian radio station. She is on the board of directors of GFN and the Gwangju International Center (GIC). Dr. Park is a former president of Korea TESOL and the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). She has also served as the journal editor-in-chief for Korea TESOL and Global English Teachers’ Association. She is a founding member of AsiaTEFL, where she has served in numerous executive positions over the years, and is currently incoming president for the association. Her research interests include teacher education, speech/pronunciation, critical pedagogy, World Englishes, and intercultural communication.
Yilin Sun, PhD, Emeritus Professor, directed Faculty Development Programs at Seattle Colleges in the US (2018–2021) before her recent retirement. She is a former president of TESOL International Association (2014–2015) and the founding president of MAAL (Macau Assn. for Applied Linguistics). Dr. Sun has extensive experience in teacher education, leadership, and professional development. In 2021, The English Language Specialist Program of the U.S. Department of State recognized Dr. Sun as one of thirty specialists who have made a lasting impact on the field of TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) since 1991. Over the years, Dr. Sun has given numerous keynote/plenary and featured presentations at international professional conferences. She is excited about the KO-TESOL 2022 Conference and looking forward to meeting everyone virtually.
Dr. Ilene Winokur has lived in Kuwait since 1984 and is a professional development specialist supporting teachers globally including refugee teachers. Ilene has been active in learning innovation and ESOL for over 25 years, is an expert in professional development, and is passionate about narratives related to belonging. Prior to retiring in 2019, she was a teacher and administrator at the elementary and pre-college levels for 25 years. Her blog, podcast, and book focus on the importance of feeling a sense of belonging. You can connect with Ilene on Twitter @IleneWinokur and find links to her podcast and blog on her website: https://www.ilenewinokur.com
Dr. Kyungsook Yeum is the Director of SMU TESOL and the faculty of Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea. Dr. Yeum’s understanding of the TESOL profession became more robust with her service on the TESOL Board of Directors, TESOL International Association, USA (2015-18). Her leadership was honed through her work as the National President of Korea TESOL, and as Vice President of The Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) and The Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) among others. Dr. Yeum has an MA in TESOL from the University of Maryland. Her first PhD is in English Literature, and she is a University of Macquarie PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics. Her concentrations are: Cross-cultural Leadership; Teacher Education; and Program Evaluation.