
Joo-Kyung Park

Honam University


Joo-Kyung Park, PhD, is a professor in the Department of English Language at Honam University, Gwangju, South Korea. She has served as director of the International Culture Center and as director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Honam. She was also a radio show host at Gwangju Foreign Language Network (GFN) and at Far-East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), a local Christian radio station. She is on the board of directors of GFN and the Gwangju International Center (GIC). Dr. Park is a former president of Korea TESOL and the Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK). She has also served as the journal editor-in-chief for Korea TESOL and Global English Teachers’ Association. She is a founding member of AsiaTEFL, where she has served in numerous executive positions over the years, and is currently incoming president for the association. Her research interests include teacher education, speech/pronunciation, critical pedagogy, World Englishes, and intercultural communication.


ELT Professionals for a Better World: Lives of Leadership and Service more

Sat, Apr 30, 14:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

In this 50-minute panel discussion, five esteemed female leaders in ELT, all nearing the end of their formal careers in education, will reflect on their respective paths. They’ll share stories of their growth as educators and leaders; look back on the decisions, motivations, and inspirations that shaped them; consider their own impact, including how their life’s work has contributed to improving the world; and offer thoughts, insights, and suggestions for future generations of leaders seeking to make their own mark in education–and on the world.

Joo-Kyung ParkSterling PlataYilin SunDr. Ilene WinokurKyungsook Yeum