Reading Workshop (50 mins)
The Benefits of Doing Extensive Reading with Xreading
Xreading is the only digital library in the world that provides unlimited, simultaneous access to over 1500 graded readers from major ELT publishers including CUP, Cengage/National Geographic and Macmillan. It was created to give students unlimited access to graded readers, and make it easier for teachers to implement and manage extensive reading programs. Besides books, Xreading also has audio narrations, quizzes, character lists, glossaries, journals, and a timed reading component, all to enhance the reading experience for students. Xreading also benefits teachers because it allows them to track and assess their students’ reading progress, including the number of books read, words read, reading time, reading speed, and quiz results. With of all of the tracking, Xreading is an ideal tool for doing research in extensive reading. In this workshop, the founder of Xreading will give a demonstration of the system and preview some features coming later this year.
Paul Goldberg has taught English as a foreign language in Venezuela, Spain, Korea, the US, and most recently at Kwansei Gakuin University, in Japan. His main areas of interest are extensive reading and extensive listening. Paul is the founder of Xreading, which he developed because of his desire to make graded readers more accessible for students, and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage. Email: