
Sessions / Location Name: MCALL SIG Room

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Overcoming the Limitations of COVID-Affected Classes Through Educational Technology#3095


Sat, Apr 30, 16:00-17:00 Asia/Seoul | LOCATION: MCALL SIG Room

COVID-19 has left a lasting impact on education. Shifting between offline and online classrooms midcourse, faculty and student attendance issues, and ever-changing schedules are just a few of the many problems educators and students have had to cope with. The goal of this round table discussion is two-fold: to share our experiences to get a better understanding of the issues we face and to discuss resources we can use to overcome these challenges.

The discussion will be moderated, and all attendees are encouraged to prepare at least one challenge they have faced in their classes this past year. They are also encouraged to prepare a brief, two-minute presentation of an app, website, device, or other tool that has enhanced their students’ learning. Educators of all subjects and grade levels are welcome to attend.