
About PeaceMOMO

PeaceMOMO specializes in teacher training and training of trainers on critical and creative peace education training through P.E.A.C.E. Pedagogy, which anchors on the central principle of “everyone learning from everyone else.” PeaceMOMO especially works to foster peace education facilitators through its own ToT (Training of Trainers) programmes designed for school teachers and civic educators, as a way of expanding peace education in schools and civil society alike.   


- develop and provide peace education facilitator training programmes 

- research and publishing in peace education and related topics

- establishing networks of peace education facilitators 

- become a platform of connecting peace educations in Korea and those abroad

PEACEMOMO's Peace Education

- is made up of P.E.A.C.E Pedagogy

- is participant-centered and oriented, not lecturer-oriented

- most often conducts team-facilitation

- is mostly workshops where everyone is equal, exchange is free, contents are flexible, and communication goes with life sensitivity and breaths of emotions

- is concerned with crisis in life, dignity, community and ecology, as well as with the effects of militarism, inequality and patriarchy

Our Sessions