

Practical Tips to Grow Your Teaching, Research, and Service Impact

Invited Speaker

Sat, Apr 30, 16:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Work in academia is increasingly assessed in terms of whether and to what extent it has important impact on three areas: teaching, research, and service. Our teaching is considered impactful when, for example, it results in deep and durable learning and helps students apply what they have learned in their future work. On the research front, our research is considered to have impact when, for example, it provides new insights and perspectives, and when our research findings find application in and outside the classroom. In the same vein, our service is impactful when, for example, we reach out to teachers and support them in their professional development efforts through in-service workshops. In this presentation, I first define what impact is and what it means for teaching and research faculty. I will then offer tips and suggestions on how they can increase the impact of their work and make their teaching research and service impacts more visible at the institutional, national, and international levels.

  • Dr Willy A Renandya

    Willy Renandya is an experienced language teacher educator currently teaching at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His teaching and research interests include second language education, second language reading and listening and teacher professional development. He has given numerous keynote presentations at ELT and TESOL conferences in Asia (including in Korea) and USA. He maintains a teacher professional development FB group called "Teacher Voices" (https://www.facebook.com/groups/teachervoices) and writes regularly in his blog (www.willyrenandya.com).