Critical Pedagogy/Perspectives Workshop (50 mins)
Unpacking Global Competence as a Guiding Philosophy
Partner Session (JALT)
This talk will be about unpacking the concept of global competence as a defining philosophy that can guide our professional practice and even personal life. As a species, we search for ways of understanding our circumstances so we can define our existence and find ways to evolve our relationships. I will provide definitions and interpretations of global competence, and how they apply to not only classroom practice but also what we hope students carry forward into their post-formal education lives. Questions I will explore are: What are the characteristics of a sufficiently globally competent person? Is our global competency measurable? How can we incorporate this philosophy into our teaching practice? Is this a suitable life philosophy? Participants should leave with an understanding of global competence and how it can apply to their context.
I am an Assistant Professor of Foreign Language (English) at Fukui University of Technology in Fukui City, Japan. Since 2019 I have been the Director of Program of JALT where I oversee the coordination and execution of JALT's marquee event, the annual international conference and educational materials exhibition. I have been living and working in Japan since September 2002.