Cultivating Connections in Our Classrooms and Communities
Invited Session
Humans are social beings, yet many of our interactions with others are superficial and transactional in nature. Research across many disciplines shows that it is our relationships that sustain us and make our lives meaningful. In the field of education, strong relationships improve learning outcomes, support learner persistence, and reduce teachers’ feelings of burnout. This session reviews the qualities of positive relationships and ties together the different lines of research that converge on the essential role of relationships in the teaching and learning process. Participants will learn pedagogical practices and social strategies to foster relationships among students, between teachers and students, with residents of the local community, and with colleagues in our profession, whether those encounters take place face to face or virtually.
Dr. Nikki Ashcraft is an Associate Teaching Professor in the online M.Ed. TESOL program at the University of Missouri, where she enjoys working with teachers around the world. During her TESOL career, Dr. Ashcraft has taught ESL/EFL and trained teachers in the US, Mexico, Chile, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. She is an English Language Specialist with the U.S. Department of State and has trained Fulbright English Teaching Assistants preparing for assignments in the Middle East and North Africa. Dr. Ashcraft is a former chair of TESOL International Association’s Teacher Educator Interest Section and is currently serving as Past-Chair of its Membership Professional Council. She is the author of "Lesson Planning," published by TESOL Press.