

Enacting Antiracism in Teaching English

Featured Session

Sat, Apr 30, 13:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Antiracism in English language teaching is part of the engagement with social justice, a set of principles for establishing individual, societal, and environmental wellbeing. Yet, an explicit discussion of race, racism, and antiracism is often avoided, leaving these concepts inadequately understood. This presentation will bring these concepts to light and invite the audience to critically engage in race-aware discourse and pedagogy. To do so, I will outline key concepts, including the concept of race, different types of racism, intersectionality, and the relationship between race and language. Especially, native-speakerism needs to be problematized in relation to the supremacy of Whiteness as perpetuating raciolinguistic ideologies at interpersonal, systemic, and epistemological dimensions. Becoming aware of these issues will encourage teachers to recognize how race is reflected in teaching materials, pedagogical practices, and institutional structures, and to enact antiracism within a broader engagement with social justice.