
English for Specific/Academic Purposes Workshop (50 mins)

Paving the Way for Communicative and Professional Development in ESP

Sun, May 1, 17:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

The 21st century ESP learner is required to demonstrate a broad range of communicative and professional skills in their chosen field or vocation. In order to facilitate the development of such skills, ESP instructors must be aware of the specific communicative needs of their students, while also taking into account the growing importance of soft skills in the modern workplace. This session will focus on practical ways to engage ESP learners in communication skills and soft skills required to help them succeed in their professional environment. Special attention will be paid to the implementation of these strategies, which include scaffolding techniques, use of authentic and specific materials (including both digital and print) in addition to the integration and use of functional language and topic specific vocabulary.

  • George Kokkolis Papadopoulos

    George Kokkolis- Papadopoulos has been active in the ELT sector for the past 7 years. Having studied English Language and Literature, he has had the opportunity to work as an EFL teacher. He has been involved with TESOL Greece, and has been an Oral Examiner for several examination boards. He has joined Express Publishing as an ELT Academic Consultant, and while he has had to put on many hats over the years, he considers himself, above all, an Educator.