
Peacebuilding / Peace Studies / Peace Linguistics Workshop (50 mins)

Real World English: Negotiation Skills for Intercultural Conflict Resolution in ELT

Sat, Apr 30, 14:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Many English language classes intentionally avoid activities that might elicit interpersonal conflict in efforts to create a comfortable learning environment. In the real world, however, learners often encounter such situations requiring intercultural negotiation skills to resolve conflicts in English with confidence and accuracy. Fortunately, negotiation skills such as active listening, brainstorming, evaluating and agreeing on solutions build on routine ELT activities such as interviewing, paraphrasing, collaborating and problem-solving. Framing these types of ELT activities as conflict resolution skills allows learners to broaden their strategies to effectively address conflict in English in class and beyond. In this workshop, educators who have integrated negotiation and ELT skills in these ways will share activities, materials and stories. Participants will reflect on encounters with intercultural conflict, complete a practical learning activity to help learners apply their English communication skills to conflict resolution, and share how they might design similar tasks in their own settings.

  • Cheryl Woelk

    Cheryl Woelk has taught English language learners and educators in community and university programs in Asia and North America. She is currently teaching English with business clients in Seoul, and working as an educational consultant for Collective Joy Consulting where she coordinates the Language for Peace project, integrating language and peace education curriculum. Cheryl holds a BA in English, a certificate in TESOL, an MA in Education, and a Graduate Certificate in Conflict Transformation. She has been active in TESOL International and is co-author of the book, “Teaching English for Reconciliation” (2018).