
Assessment / Testing Workshop (50 mins)

Developing Equity-Driven Assessment In-Class

Sun, May 1, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Designing and administering effective and equitable in-class assessments is one of the most important tasks that language teachers need to engage in. However, making the assessment process equitable is not something that is discussed much in the field of TESOL. This session will address six principles that make the classroom-level, language assessments equitable and effective. The principles that will be discussed are validity, reliability, practicality, authenticity, washback and equity. The session hosts will first describe some of the specific ways to make the assessment equitable by discussing the examples of assessments with these principles in mind. The session hosts will also ask the participants to critique assessments based on these principles. Based on this model, participants will also be asked to come up with effective and equitable assessment examples from their own experience.