
Other Issues Research Paper (25 mins)

Machine Translation: Friend or Foe?

Sun, May 1, 12:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Teachers have dealt with different types of plagiarism issues over the years, but recently machine translation (MT) programs such as DeepL or Google Translate have changed the game for many. While no one would argue the benefits of using MT in everyday situations, the issues are not so clear cut when it comes to language learning. How much MT is acceptable, especially within a writing or research course? Should MT be considered the same as other types of plagiarism, with the same types of penalties? This researcher and her colleagues have struggled with these issues and have come up with a variety of techniques and suggestions to help students, teachers, and administrators navigate them. These include guidelines and resources for both teachers and students, especially in terms of knowing when to use MT, how to identify it, protocols and policies for transgressions, and more.