
Writing Dialog/Roundtable (50 mins)

Peer Editing and Feedback in L1

Sat, Apr 30, 12:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

What importance might L1 peer feedback have for L2 learners? Olshtain (2001) has argued the importance of clear, organized feedback as crucial for the succeeding draft (quoted in Yuce and Atac, 2020). This leads to a discussion on determining the appropriate stage of communication in L1 or L2 to promote a learner’s development. Other researchers (see Hyland & Hyland (2006); Franklin (2010)) suggest that peer editing in L1 avoids possible misunderstandings while developing crucial social skills. Should such skills be a goal in peer editing? The presenter will share classroom action research and invites participants to share their own insights.