
Listening Research Paper (25 mins)

Creating Online, Asynchronous Assignments to Develop Learners' Listening Skills

Sat, Apr 30, 15:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

What constitutes an appropriate curriculum for developing the listening skills of language learners? Most would agree that a healthy dose of comprehensible input should be the cornerstone, along with regular comprehension checks to ensure that students are coping. However, as the language skills required of modern graduates become increasingly specialized, teachers are often obliged to create their own resources to ensure that curriculum objectives are met. This presentation will introduce an online course aimed at developing STEM-related listening skills for first and second-year university students enrolled in science and engineering programs. The course leverages AI avatars, speech recognition and speech synthesis to provide engaging and interactive online listening lessons. Through a mix of self-assessment and auto-generated feedback, the course was able to deliver measurable improvements in listening ability during the period of remote emergency teaching brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who attend this presentation will be provided access to the course for use with their students.