
Research Methodologies & Approaches Research Paper (25 mins)

Autoethnographic Exploration as “a Missionary of L2 Pragmatics”

Sat, Apr 30, 16:30-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Although pragmatics constitutes a dynamic portion of communicative practice in our life, it is less likely to be addressed in the classroom. In order to promote possible approaches to L2 pragmatics, the presenter strives to connect language teaching to lived experiences and investigates multidimensional elements through the method of autoethnography. In this qualitative approach which utilizes self-reflection and the connectivity between self and others, the presenter analyzed data from her own teaching journal entries as well as interviews with members of communities of practice to which she belongs so that she could address sociocultural challenges and complexities in a personally engaging style. The results suggest that autoethnography can facilitate meaningful exploration of L2 pragmatics, optimizing constructive subjectivity and open vulnerability that can be embraced in the innovative approach, which ultimately demonstrates the significance of theoretical and methodological integration to spread “the Good News” among a wider range of readers/audiences.

  • Sanae Oda-Sheehan

    Sanae Oda-Sheehan (PhD) is a research fellow at Ochanomizu University, Tokyo. She teaches at Senshu University and also works as a communication consultant utilizing her business background. Her research interests include teacher identity, L2 pragmatics, and communicative task effectiveness.