
Technology / Online Learning / CALL / MALL Pecha Kucha

Teaching Online: How Does the New Zealand Experience Match International Experiences?

Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

This presentation is based on the teaching and learning online experience of teachers and adult learners in New Zealand and Asia during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic. It reviews recurring themes from teacher and student feedback regarding programmes focusing on English for Specific Purposes (Academic Skills, Leadership, and Sustainable Development), taught by staff from a university in New Zealand. It compares programmes taught online with minimal/no planning in early 2020, with those formerly face-to-face taught online in 2020-2022 with a few months’ warning. It compares our experiences with those reported by practitioners and researchers worldwide, making use of local research and international publications. Comments include what goals students and teachers felt have been achieved with the online programmes, and how they were achieved. The presenter makes suggestions for the future regarding infrastructure, schedules, ‘overloading’, and staff/student familiarity with the use of both software and hardware.

  • Tim Edwards

    Tim teaches at the English Language Institute, Victoria University of Wellington. He has been teaching for around 20 years in Asia and Australasia, with shorter periods in North America and Europe, teaching children, teens and adults, in private language schools, state schools & universities, and University language centres, most recently working with civil servants from developing Asian countries. He has published in the TESOLANZ Journal on subjects including teaching online during Covd-19, language for cleaners, and students’ preparation for studying abroad.