
Critical Pedagogy/Perspectives Research Paper (25 mins)

Developing Critical Literacies Through Learning English as Second Language: Discourse Analysis Study

Sat, Apr 30, 11:30-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

The presentation aims to examine English learning discourses in Asia from a critical literacy perspective. The role of critical literacy is assisting students in developing the ways in which those ideologies, identities, and power in society and school, and the ways in which language works to challenges those relations. Ultimately, students have options to choose or challenge the status quo. This presentation will discuss steps to develop critical literacy skills through curriculum in TEOSL education. Drawn from the critical pedagogy, the critical pedagogues believe education is first and foremost a means of social transformation because injustice, power asymmetry, and human suffering do exist. In the TESOL education, it is necessary to unpack the discourse and ensure equity when learning a second language or design a curriculum. The discourse data were analyzed from the government reports and discourses from various educators and parents. From there, it will provide an analysis for the reshaping of discourse in English education in Asia. The discourse can provide schools to have clear objectives to develop curriculum, help parents to support their children, and motivate children to develop critical thinking when pursuing a second language learning.