Writing Workshop (50 mins)
Don't Simply Write Your Opinion - Show a Critical Analysis
Classroom writing shouldn’t be dreadful. Rather, this workshop introduces writing tasks that challenge, inspire and compel students. During the fall 2020 and 2021 semesters, the presenter utilized a 6-week writing project, transcending the standard opinion essay, with 300 university students. Through ‘Argument/Counterargument Analysis’ writing tasks, students develop essential persuasive writing skills while exploring the strategic art of concealment - an unconventional but fruitful learning opportunity. This workshop details the step-by-step processes students completed, including sentence development, small group writing roleplays and ultimately producing opposing paragraphs, where the final product is so convincing and tonally objective, the student’s true convictions about the writing prompt remain obscured. These procedures naturally cultivate critical thinking, and even empathy, as students evaluate and communicate a range of viewpoints on a given issue. After viewing student writing samples, and then exploring writing roleplay prompts in breakout groups, a wrap-up discussion will conclude the workshop.
Hello, I'm John Breckenfeld. I have been living in Korea for ten years. I am currently working at HUFS in Seoul (since 2019) where I teach Communicative English. After working with all ages - from preschoolers to grandparents - I am very grateful to be teaching college students full-time. Their creativity, diligence and positive energy are truly inspiring, and I seek to inspire them in turn. For seven years, KOTESOL has been a massively rewarding source of professional development for me. Now, I am thrilled to be a part of the 2022 KOTESOL IC.