
Research Methodologies & Approaches Pecha Kucha

Beyond Words: Using Photo Voice for Community Engagement and Language Development

Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Photo Voice is a qualitative research method for community-based participatory research to document and reflect reality. It was first used in rural China to learn about the lives of women farm workers (Wang and Burris, 1997).The women used their photographs to make an impact on the region’s policies. Since then, it has been used around the world as a vehicle for social change. In most cases, Photo Voice is used as a type of action research with participants as an integral part of the research process, using pictures they take to develop new ideas and solutions to challenges. Participatory photography through photo voice creates a space for discussion and action on issues of student engagement, school reform, and social services. (Examples can be found at https://photovoice.org/projects/) Drawing from this relatively new field, a group of teacher leaders in Cambodia decided to apply the Photo Voice technique as a way to understand the community and develop language and communication skills in English and Khmer. This Pecha Kucha will introduce Photo Voice, showcase student projects, and discuss how this type of participatory research led to understanding stakeholders’ needs and assets all while building the language skills of participant researchers and students.