
Writing Research Paper (25 mins)

Navigating Through the Discipline as Novice Researchers: Citation Practices in Academic Writing

Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Using citations effectively and incorporating secondary sources in academic writing add credibility to the author and help avoid plagiarism. Selecting and integrating academic material in one’s argument requires careful analysis and evaluation of texts, analytical thinking and critical reading skills, as incorrect practices often lead to violation of academic integrity or false interpretation of the original texts. Students are aware of the importance of citing sources correctly, yet its complexities present numerous challenges. The study investigates first year undergraduate students’ citation practices in an Academic Writing course at an American university in the UAE. Surveys were conducted with 72 students of various nationalities and academic majors taking the course to identify areas where they struggle with citing sources. Findings also reveal that through their experiences they not only appreciate the importance of academic integrity and research but also critical reading analysis and the construction of cogent arguments. However, in order to master the skills of using citations correctly, students require teachers' constant support and reinforcement.