
English for Specific/Academic Purposes Research Paper (25 mins)

Teacher Role in Decreasing Student Anxiety in the Language Learning Environment

Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

Foreign Language Anxiety is known to interfere with the acquisition, retention, and production of the target language. Based on a previous study conducted on language learning anxiety, which investigated anxiety-causing activities as well as student beliefs, it was determined that the teacher plays a key role in helping students mitigate foreign/second language anxiety in the classroom. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate student beliefs on the role of the teacher in decreasing feelings of anxiety and determine how teachers can better assist students to overcome these anxieties. The findings revealed that a teacher’s relationship with students is a major component of a student’s academic success and emotional well-being. The study conducted followed the qualitative method of research, with participants consisting of 1st and 2nd Year university English majors, in a communicative course.