
Technology / Online Learning / CALL / MALL Research Paper (25 mins)

The Effects of Learning Style on Mobile AR-Facilitated Chinese Character Learning

Sun, May 1, 14:30-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

The logographic nature of Chinese language lead CFL learners to rate Chinese character learning the most difficult. Yet visual effects displayed by Augmented Reality technology may accelerate cognitive processing of images, or logographs, of character figures. This study investigates the effect of applying a mobile-based AR application on the beginning level CFL learners’ Chinese character learning; the learning styles of CFL learners were cross-examined with the learning effects to determine the potential of AR. Twenty-eight novice CFL learners were participated, receiving 6 weeks of AR learning experience. A mobile-based AR application were developed, containing 24 Chinese characters which were selected and grouped based on their shape similarities and radicals. The learning effects were determined by comparisons between a placement pretest and a retention posttest. The VARK questionnaire were used to determine individual learner’ learning style. Results explored the effect of using AR in learning Chinese characters and to determine the impact of learning styles on the AR learning experience. Suggestions were made about the further development on the AR technology as a self-learning tool as well as a teaching aid for learning Chinese.

  • Yi-chen Chen

    Chen, Yi-Chen is an Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics in Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. Her major research interests cover areas from cognitive semantics, second language acquisition, to metaphor and metonymy.