Research Methodologies & Approaches Graduate Student Showcase
Poetic Transcription in Narrative Data Analysis: A Study of EFL Teachers in Indonesia
Graduate Student Showcase
One of the art-based research practices which can be adopted for qualitative research is poetic inquiry. A number of qualitative researchers have found poetic inquiry a beneficial method to illuminate aspects of the human condition and experiences. In this presentation, I will share how I adopted poetic inquiry in my current doctoral research which explored the lived experiences of EFL teachers in Indonesia as they entered their early career. I will demonstrate how I created poems from the narrative data/interview transcripts. One of the emerging themes was the struggles of the EFL teachers as they transitioned into online teaching. Through poetic transcription, the voices and emotional dimensions of participants‚ experiences could be strongly represented. I suggest that poetic transcription strategy be adopted by researchers who wish to look at their data from a new perspective.
Rahmila Murtiana is an English teacher educator from Indonesia. She holds an M.A. in TESOL from Flinders University Australia. Currently, she is doing PhD at Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne.