
Speaking / Conversation / Pronunciation Graduate Student Showcase

Improving L2 Learners' Spoken English Proficiency in Mainland China

Graduate Student Showcase

Sat, Apr 30, 14:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

English is seen as a foreign language in Mainland China, which means that the Chinese do not use English to communicate in daily life. Most schools pay more attention to English reading and writing competency to help students get a high score in Gaokao. However, English, as a word language, should not only be seen as a tool to get a high score, teachers should recognize the importance of applying English, especially oral English, in modern society. The lack of practicing oral English makes L2 learners be dumb English users. Graddol (2012) shows that only 7% of L2 learners "often" use English and the L2 learner's oral English proficiency is low. To improve L2 learners' oral English, teachers can use more original materials, like English TV shows or Youtube videos, to improve L2 learners' motivation and interests. Besides, new technology, like transcribing, can be applied during oral English teaching.

  • Yihan XU

    My name is Xu Yihan and I come from China. I am a MA student in Hong Kong Baptist Universtiy and my major is Language Studies. I have only three monthes experiences of being an asistent English teacher in Shanghai, and my duty was to help students memorize vocabulary, explain exercise, and sometimes practice oral Enlgish with students. In my spare time, I like wachiting movies, cooking, swimming and travlling.