
Motivation / Identity / Agency Research Paper (25 mins)

Virtual Exchange Effects on Motivation for Learning English

Sat, Apr 30, 16:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul

This study measured the effects on certain aspects of motivation for students learning English following a ten-week, multi-cultural virtual exchange project. Participants interacted both synchronously and asynchronously with other non-native English speakers from eleven different countries in an effort to make friends, share cultural interests, and practice English in a real-world, non-classroom setting. At the end of the project, participants were asked to complete a survey based on Dӧrnyei’s concept of the ideal L2 self (2005) and Yashima’s theories on international posture (2009) about how their motivations for learning English had changed. The study suggests that extended interactions in a virtual exchange improves participants’ view of themselves as capable speakers, their motivation to become a better speaker for their ideal future and gives them a broader perspective on their view of their place in the wider world, while motivations for learning English as a responsibility towards others was decreased.