heemal bhat
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Pedagogy of Compassion and Service Learning more
Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul
Education gets its purpose when it nurtures human values of warm-heartedness and compassion. Focussing on transforming an individual from a human being to a state of being human, the research talks about various approaches that teachers adopted to practice pedagogy of compassion which found solace when remote learning came to everyone’s rescue during the stressful circumstances born out of unprecedented times. The research suggests various ways that promoted independent learning and a culture of inclusivity to develop humane qualities in students during the pandemic. It talks about experiences gained by students in developing a mindset for service learning and reaching out to the community. Meeting a goal of bridging compassionate pedagogy and service-learning, the research also talks about tenacity and resilience imbibed by the students consistently while making a worthy connection with all. The research suggests that reflective learning played a vital role in shaping up students as empathetic beings.