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Uniting Students with Experts around the World in the Global Classroom more

Sat, Apr 30, 16:00-17:00 Asia/Seoul

In the Global Classroom, we unite middle school students around the world together to innovate local solutions to world issues with the help of experts. In our latest project we explored the question: How does the food we eat impact global warming? First, students studied the causes and effects of global warming on their country. Then, they analyzed the impact of the food they ate and came together to create strategies to decrease their carbon footprint. Then, they met to dialogue with experts about the food production and distribution process. Finally, they designed and implemented relevant local solutions like planting a school garden, vegetarian Mondays in the cafeteria, building a biodigester and exploring eating insects as a source of alternative protein. All of our projects allow students to learn to research, speak and collaborate deeply with peers and experts across the globe. Our projects also help students develop a sense of belonging to a world community and a sense of agency to live in the world in a way that contributes to the greater good.
