Shiroyama Tomotaka
University of Exeter
Tomotaka Shiroyama is a postgraduate student at the University of Exeter. Currently, he is in charge of a publicity position at JALT Toyohashi. His research interest is Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings, and Second Language Acquisition (SLA). He is currently teaching English for the nursing school at Nagoya Women’s University.Sessions
Comparing Syntactic Complexity and Lexical Complexity in Two Modes of CMCs more
Sun, May 1, 10:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul
In EFL teaching, the main goal for learners is to be able to communicate with a wide range of people. Tragant et al. (2020) argue that many learners have limited opportunities to use English outside of the classroom. According to Hagley (2020), “EFL often became an academic activity with few chances to use English in real-world communicative events.” To address this problem, this study examined whether two different types of social network communications have the potential to promote “real-world communication” in a university context. The results indicated that online interaction can contribute not only to improving students’ language skills but also to promote authentic language use outside EFL classrooms.