
Conor O'Reilly

Ghent University Global Campus


Conor O'Reilly is Assistant Lecturer in Language, Employability, and Research Skills in Ghent University Global Campus in Incheon, South Korea. Previously, he has worked in higher education settings in his native Ireland, the United Kingdom, and Korea. He is carrying out doctoral research on the lived experiences and developing outlooks of international students in Irish higher education with University of Glasgow. The research explores how international students' seek to meet their aspirations in a policy driven higher education sector in Europe. Conor is the facilitator for KOTESOL Social Justice (Critical Education) SIG. He can be found on twitter: @ConzieSays


Social Justice and the Future of English Language Teaching in Korea more

Sat, Apr 30, 11:00-12:00 Asia/Seoul

Defining social justice and critical education in Korean ELT as a starting point, audience members will be invited to frame this in the Korean context of English language teaching. Significant issues will then be brought forward which directly relate to the benefits or disadvantages of English language education and the broader sector as it exists in Korea in 2022. This will be a largely interactive session where participants shall be encouraged to post questions and comments on a online platform and to engage in conversation in the live session. The ultimate objective shall be to attempt to approach a consensus through dialogue on the purpose of critical education and social justice to English language teaching in Korea.

Conor O'ReillyJocelyn Wright