Matthew Nall
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“Did You Say Pragmatics?”: Advancing Instructional Design to Address Negative Transfer more
Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul
Ample research in the field of pragmatics has confirmed the effectiveness of explicit instruction. However, this body of knowledge has been largely limited to the study of intermediate second language learners. This narrow focus leaves teachers of beginner and advanced students with little guidance when it comes to the instructional design concerning pragmatic skills development in face-threatening scenarios. Based on a 2021 study of negative pragmatic transfer among Japanese university students, this presentation explores how the research into negative transfer and L2 proficiency can serve as a guide for teachers who are planning and conducting pragmatic instruction, such as refusals or requests. Grounded in extensive data and experience teaching Japanese English learners, the presenters will introduce their metapragmatic instructional approach and several classroom activities in order to illustrate how to teach pragmatically appropriate responses to learners at all levels of proficiency. Presentation takeaways will be applicable in global contexts.