David McCurrach
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CALL After COVID: Asynchronous E-Learning in Higher Education more
Fri, Apr 29, 09:00-Tue, May 31, 23:55 Asia/Seoul
Due to both a falling level of English proficiency in Japan as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, asynchronous online English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning has received renewed research interest in Higher Education (HE). From researching the advancements in EFL e-learning, the author argues that whenever the pandemic abates, asynchronous platforms should be continued to be used in conjunction with traditional HE EFL classroom teaching. Since learning ought to focus on increased interactions between speakers, as per social constructivist norms, educators should increase the use of tools that promote learning inside and outside the classroom. Therefore the research focuses particularly on exploring the strengths of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), as it increases agency and interactions through location-independent learning, autonomy, self-efficacy, and collaborative learning. The e-learning platform Flipgrid shows promise of encapsulating these strengths and forms a basis of a discussion of the pros and cons of asynchronous e-learning, as well as an implementation proposal in a typical HE EFL scenario.