MM Publications is an independent publisher with a global footprint that offers educational solutions to support the teaching and learning of English. Our work is driven by one mission: to provide innovative ELT books and e-learning materials that work for EVERYONE.

About MM Publications
MM Publications is an independent publishing company that specialises in English Language Teaching (ELT) books and e-learning materials. Since its first steps in 1993, MM Publications has been committed to excellence in education, an idea which it continuously upholds through its innovative content and high-quality educational services.
An Ideal Educational Experience
Books and materials by MM Publications are designed for learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and cover all levels, from early Beginners to Advanced. They are designed in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and explicitly demonstrate how English is used in real-life situations, thus enabling learners to use the language in meaningful contexts.
MM Publications offers more than mere educational materials, it designs an ideal educational experience. Hence, it provides continuous customer support to global partners in the form of online learning and testing solutions, in-service teacher training, syllabus design and customised materials creation. The above has contributed to rapid growth and success for the company, and has allowed it to become a leader in the field of ELT.
A Global Presence
The numerous achievements of MM Publications would not be possible without its global network of trusted partners. Currently, MM Publications has over 110 distributors across all continents. With their help and support, the company has published more than 3,500 international and localised titles. It has also managed to collaborate with some of the most renowned publishing houses in the world.
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Our Sessions
Funny Phonics
Funny Phonics familiarises young learners with the sounds of the English language. It enables them to link the sounds to alphabetical symbols and then blend them to form words. In this way, children are helped to develop not only reading, writing, and spelling skills, but also listening and speaking skills at the same time.

New Get Smart
New Get Smart is a primary course that takes students from Beginner to Pre - Intermediate level, while carefully considering students’ particular needs and interests at each stage. The series provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to take on the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. The course systematically develops students’ ability to adequately apply learning both in the classroom and in their everyday lives, while also promoting globalised ethical values. This series follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.

Top Stars
Top Stars is a primary course that takes students from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate level with careful consideration of students' particular needs at each stage. The course has been designed with a learner-centred focus, and it aims to engage learners actively in using language to explore their environment and interact with others in order to construct meaning. Top Stars employs the modular approach and is in accordance with the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. It also builds 21st century competencies.

ELT Skills
ELT Skills is an independent management system designed for learners of English as a foreign or second language. It can be used as a blended learning supplement to any ELT course.